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Best Thermal Monocular For Coyote Hunting

Coyote hunting is a challenging yet rewarding endeavor, especially during the night when these elusive creatures are most active. A thermal monocular, which detects heat signatures, can be an invaluable tool for locating and tracking coyotes. Here’s a comprehensive guide to help you find the best thermal monocular for coyote hunting needs.

List of 5 Best Thermal Monoculars For Coyote Hunting

  1. Winner: Pulsar Helion 2 XP50 Pro 2.5-20 Thermal Monocular
  2. Runner Up: Pulsar Axion Thermal Monocular
  3. Budget Friendly FLIR Scout TK
  4. Editor’s Choice: AGM Global Vision Thermal monocular Taipan TM15-384
  5. Compact: ATN OTS LT Thermal Viewer

Let’s Dive in…

1. Pulsar Helion 2 XP50 Pro 2.5-20 Thermal Monocular

In the realm of thermal optics, finding the right balance of performance, durability, and user-friendliness is crucial. After our testing process and meticulous analysis, our experts confidently present the Pulsar Helion 2 XP50 Pro 2.5-20 as best thermal monocular for coyote hunting.

It is meticulously crafted to meet the demanding needs of avid outdoorsmen and professional hunters alike. Its distinctive features and superior build quality place it head and shoulders above the competition.

Beginning with its impressive variable magnification of 2.5-20x, it offers incredible versatility. Whether scanning vast terrains or zeroing in on distant targets, users will find its range to be both practical and effective. One of the standout attributes of this device is its high-resolution imaging capability. Every thermal image appears crisp and detailed, capturing even the subtlest temperature variations in the environment.


Best Thermal Monocular For Coyote Hunting: Pulsar Helion 2 XP50 Pro 2.5-20
  • High-resolution thermal sensor.
  • Wide magnification range from 2.5x to 20x.
  • Color palettes for customizable viewing experiences.
  • Built-in recording capability.
  • Rugged design.
  • Long battery life.

2. Pulsar Axion Thermal Monocular

In the challenging endeavor of selecting the top thermal optics, while many contenders vying for the leading spot, some manage to make a significant mark even if they don’t clinch the top position. Such is the case with the Pulsar Axion Thermal Monocular, which, after comprehensive testing and analysis, firmly establishes itself as our commendable runner-up.

It is a testament to excellence in compact design without compromising on functionality. Designed for both seasoned hunters and outdoor enthusiasts, the Axion brings a blend of performance and convenience to the table.

Its compactness is one of its standout features. Easily fitting into a pocket or a small pouch, the Pulsar Axion is the go-to choice for those who prioritize portability without wanting to skimp on performance. The monocular delivers clear thermal imaging, ensuring that users don’t miss out on crucial details when out in the field.


Pulsar Axion Thermal Monocular
  • Compact and pocket-sized design.
  • Clear thermal imaging.
  • Efficient battery life designed for extended use.
  • Durable construction for outdoor use.
  • User-friendly interface.
  • Lightweight, making it perfect for on-the-go adventures.

3. FLIR Scout TK

In the diverse spectrum of thermal monoculars, where high-end devices often come with hefty price tags, finding an affordable yet reliable option can be a daunting task. Enter the FLIR Scout TK, a compact infrared/thermal imaging monocular that not only fits snugly into your budget but also delivers commendable performance, especially considering its price point.

One of the Scout TK’s most notable features is its pocket-sized design. It’s an ideal companion for those spontaneous adventures where carrying bulky equipment isn’t an option. Despite its compact size, the monocular doesn’t compromise on delivering clear thermal images, capturing the essence of the nocturnal world in vivid detail.

Battery longevity is another impressive trait of the FLIR Scout TK. Its ability to run for extended periods on a single charge makes it an asset for those longer outings where charging facilities might be scarce. Durability is also at the forefront of its design, ensuring the device can handle the occasional bump and the unpredictability of outdoor conditions.


  • Compact and pocket-friendly.
  • Quality thermal imaging despite its size.
  • Extended battery life for longer outings.
  • Robust construction.
  • Intuitive user interface.
  • Affordable, making it accessible to a broader audience.

4. AGM Global Vision Taipan TM15-384

In a market dominated by numerous thermal imaging devices, the AGM Global Vision Taipan TM15-384 distinguishes itself as a force to be reckoned with. Built for those who demand precision coupled with power, this monocular is a game-changer for hunting enthusiasts and tactical professionals.

At the heart of the Taipan TM15-384 lies its impressive 384×288 resolution coupled with a refresh rate of 50 Hz. This ensures that the thermal images rendered are not only detailed but also smooth, capturing even the slightest movement with unmatched clarity. Be it the subtle twitch of a prey’s ear or the faint rustle of leaves, nothing escapes the vigilant eyes of this monocular.

Transitioning between night and day infrared modes is seamless, ensuring that the user is always equipped with the best vision irrespective of the ambient light conditions. This flexibility makes it an indispensable tool for varied environments and timeframes.


AGM Global Vision Thermal monocular Taipan TM15-384
  • High-resolution thermal imaging at 384×288.
  • The refresh rate of 50 Hz for smooth visuals.
  • Ergonomic design tailored for adult users.
  • Day and night infrared modes.
  • Sleek and compact design without compromising functionality.

5. ATN OTS LT Thermal Viewer

When it comes to the intricate game of coyote hunting, every tool and technique can make a difference. The ATN OTS LT Thermal Viewer emerges as a potent ally in this endeavor, offering hunters an edge when tracking this elusive prey.

It is more than just another piece of hunting equipment—it’s a fusion of innovative technology and a deep understanding of a hunter’s needs. Designed with the challenges of coyote hunting in mind, this device ensures that the hunter becomes almost as adept at night as the coyotes themselves.

What immediately stands out is its crystal-clear thermal imaging. Coyotes, known for their stealth and cunning, often use the cover of darkness to their advantage. However, with the ATN OTS LT in hand, their heat signatures become unmistakably clear, turning the tables in the hunter’s favor.


ATN OTS LT Thermal Viewer
  • Clear thermal imaging tailored for tracking coyotes.
  • Ergonomic design for prolonged use.
  • Impressive battery lifespan for extended hunting sessions.
  • Rugged build to withstand varied outdoor conditions.
  • Designed specifically with the challenges of coyote hunting in mi

Quick Comparison

Feature/ModelPulsar Helion 2 XP50 ProPulsar AxionFLIR Scout TKAGM Global Vision Taipan TM15-384ATN OTS LT Thermal Viewer
ResolutionHigh-resolution sensorClear thermal imagingStandard resolution384×288Clear thermal imaging
Magnification2.5x to 20xStandardStandardStandardStandard
DesignRuggedCompact, pocket-sizedCompact, pocket-friendlySleek, compactErgonomic, rugged
Battery LifeLong with quick changeEfficient for extended useExtended for longer outingsStandardImpressive lifespan
ModesDay & NightDay & NightDay & NightDay & Night infrared modesDay & Night
Special FeaturesStream Vision App, Recording capabilityUser-friendly interfaceAffordable, Intuitive UIHigh refresh rate at 50 HzTailored for coyote hunting
DurabilityHighly durableDurableRobustRugged designRugged

Benefits of Thermal Monocular for Coyote Hunting

Coyote hunting is an activity that requires precision, patience, and the right equipment. Among the most revolutionary tools in the arsenal of modern hunters is the thermal monocular. Specifically designed to detect heat signatures, thermal monoculars have redefined nighttime and early morning hunting. Here are the core benefits of using a thermal monocular when hunting coyotes:

1. Enhanced Night Vision

Coyotes are crepuscular, meaning they’re most active during the dawn and dusk hours, and can also be nocturnal. Traditional optics rely on available light, making it challenging to spot these elusive creatures in low-light conditions. Thermal monoculars, on the other hand, detect heat, allowing hunters to see coyotes clearly even in complete darkness.

2. Detection Through Obstructions

One of the distinct advantages of thermal imaging is its ability to detect heat signatures through light obstructions like tall grass, bushes, or fog. While it won’t see through solid objects, a thermal monocular can give you a clearer picture in environments where traditional optics might struggle.

3. Identification and Verification

With thermal imaging, hunters can easily differentiate between different animals based on their heat signatures. This precision ensures that you’re targeting a coyote and not another animal, reducing the chances of mistaken identity. This part is essential to be the best thermal monocular for coyote hunting

4. Increased Safety

Hunting in the dark has its risks, like misidentifying targets or not noticing potential hazards in the environment. A thermal monocular provides a clearer view of the surroundings, ensuring safer navigation and targeting.

5. Discretion and Stealth

Since thermal monoculars don’t need light to function, there’s no need for external illumination sources like flashlights. This capability maintains the hunter’s discretion and ensures they remain undetected by their target.

6. Long Detection Range

Many thermal monoculars come with impressive detection ranges, allowing hunters to spot and track coyotes from great distances. This long-range detection can be advantageous in planning your approach or positioning.

7. Recording Capabilities

Modern thermal monoculars often come equipped with photo and video recording features. This functionality not only allows for post-hunt analysis and sharing but also provides a way to document unique encounters or experiences in the field.

8. Versatility

While primarily used for hunting, thermal monoculars are versatile tools. They can be used for other activities like wildlife observation, camping, or even for security purposes around a property.

Factors To Consider

Here are the things which you should consider when buying a thermal monocular specifically for coyote hunting:

1. Detection Range

The detection range indicates how far the monocular can detect heat signatures. For coyote hunting, a monocular that can detect heat sources from 300 meters to 1,500 meters (or more) is ideal. This range allows you to spot coyotes from a distance, ensuring you don’t spook them.

2. Resolution

Just like any other visual device, resolution is paramount in a thermal monocular. A higher resolution offers clearer images, making it easier to distinguish between a coyote and other animals. Look for devices with at least a 320×240 pixel resolution for decent image clarity.

3. Refresh Rate

A higher refresh rate ensures smoother imaging, especially when tracking moving animals like coyotes. A 30 Hz rate is acceptable, but 50 Hz or 60 Hz offers noticeably smoother visuals, essential when tracking a moving target.

4. Magnification

Magnification determines how close you can zoom in on an object. For coyote hunting, a monocular offering 2x to 8x magnification is usually adequate. However, ensure that the image quality remains clear when zoomed in.

5. Battery Life

When out in the field, the last thing you want is for your equipment to die on you. Opt for monoculars with a battery life of at least 8 hours. Some high-end models might also come with replaceable batteries, allowing you to carry spares.

6. Durability and Weather Resistance

Given that coyote hunting can take you through varied terrains and weather conditions, your monocular should be rugged and weather-resistant. Models with an IP (Ingress Protection) rating will give you an idea of their resistance to dust and water. An IP65 rating or higher is recommended.

7. Weight and Size

If you’re going to be on the move, a lightweight and compact monocular is ideal. While larger optics can offer better performance, they can also be cumbersome. Find a balance that suits your hunting style.

8. Additional Features

  • Recording Capability: Some monoculars allow you to capture photos or videos, which can be great for reviewing hunts or sharing with friends.
  • Color Palettes: Different color modes (like white-hot, black-hot, and rainbow) can provide different views of the environment, aiding in spotting coyotes.
  • Wi-Fi and Streaming: Some high-end models offer the ability to stream the monocular’s view to a smartphone or tablet.

9. Price and Warranty

Thermal monoculars are a significant investment. Set a budget and try to find the best specs within that range. Additionally, a good warranty can save you from potential future expenses.

10. Reviews and Recommendations

Before making a purchase, always check user reviews, and seek recommendations from experienced coyote hunters. Their hands-on experience can offer insights that spec sheets cannot.

Wrap Up

Choosing the right thermal monocular can be an intricate process, as it requires careful consideration of various factors, from resolution and magnification to battery life and special features. In our hands-on tests, the Pulsar Helion 2 XP50 Pro continually emerged as the frontrunner, outshining its peers for perfect thermal monoculars for coyote hunting. Its harmonious blend of top-tier features and rugged durability makes it an indispensable tool for hunters, whether they’re novices or seasoned experts.